Singles 'clubs set people up according to requirements-height, income, property. 单身俱乐部会根据身高、收入、财产给人群分类。
We see that in the long term as part of our ability to offer balanced product across equities, fixed income, property and commodities. 我们把这看作长远计划的一部分,希望能形成股票、固定收益、地产和大宗商品均衡发展的产品结构。
Taboo asks personal income and property condition that, taboo asks that the woman marries or not, privacies such as age and clothes and ornaments price. 忌讳问个人收入和财产情况,忌讳问妇女婚否、龄以及服饰价格等私事。
Local government should switch from relying on land sale income to property tax income. 当地政府应该从依靠土地税收转向房产税收。
Negative Gearing: When the tax deductions from an investment property exceed the income the property generates, the investor has a tax loss to offset against their other taxable income. 负杠杆原理:当投资房产抵税部分金额超过收入部分,投资人可以用于抵减其他应付税的收入。
The marital type, which gets divided up, generally includes all income and property acquired during the marriage by either spouse. 夫妻公有财产在分割时,通常是将双方在婚姻中所获得的所有收入的财产平分。
Income from property is no longer a certainty given the number of companies going bust. 由于大量公司破产,房地产收入不再是确定的事情。
The author of NOTHING DOWN, one of the first popular guidebooks on income property, argues that many sources of income are necessary for balance and control of one's financial future. 作者没有下来,一首流行指南,财产收入,辩称,有很多收入来源是必要的平衡和控制自己的财务未来。
On balance, over time, the net effect of market movements when measured in US dollars has tended to yield better risk-adjusted returns, particularly for fixed income, property and cash spaces. 总的来说,随着时间的推移,以美元衡量的市场波动的净效应往往会产生更大的经风险调整后的回报,尤其是对固定收益、房地产和现金资产类别来说。
Investment income like property disposals would be unaffected; besides, plenty of gains/ losses are unrealised. 包括地产处置在内的投资收益不会受到影响;此外,很多收益/损失尚未变现。
Obvious gap between town and country lies in resident income, property, consumption, social security in our country. 我国在居民收入、财产、消费、社会保障等方面存在着明显的城乡差距。
But the basic decision theories for real estate investment are poor, even worse for income property. 但是房地产置业投资决策的理论基础薄弱,针对于收益型房地产这一新兴产品置业投资的相关理论更加未臻成熟。
Third, the investment risks of income property are valued and described with mathematics. 其次,本文在对收益型房地产的投资风险进行估计的基础上,给出了此类房地产投资风险的数学描述;
The operating scale, the income and property, the product investment, the cash expenditure of education and medical treatment are the main factors that affect the credit demand of households in rural China; 农户是中国农业信贷需求的主体,农户经营规模、农户收入和财产状况、农户生产投资规模以及教育、医疗等大额现金支出是影响农户借贷需求的主要因素;
Second, the detail evaluation strategy for income property is made after the analyses for the classical evaluation method of real estate include income method, market method and cost method. 然后在具体分析房地产典型估价方法&收益法、市场法、成本法的基础上,制定了详细的收益型房地产估价策略;
Study on Income Property Appraisal Methods 收益性房地产估价的方法研究
Investment Decision and Analyse of Income Property 收益型房地产投资决策分析
Contractors Method, Comparative Method and Income Capitalization Method ( ICM) are three common used methods in Income Property Appraisal. 收益性房地产常用的三种估价方法为成本法、市场比较法和收益还原法,其中以收益还原法的理论基础最充分。
In view of business level, this thesis studies human capital from the aspects of pricing, financing, investment and income from property. 本文以企业为主体,从人力资本估价、融资、投资、产权收益等方面研究人力资本财务问题,并构建了人力资本财务的基本理论框架。
First, base on the analyses for the income property consumption market, three kinds of income properties are discussed include investment-oriented house, serviced apartment and income store. 首先,本文在对收益型房地产市场进行分析的基础上,进一步分析了三种典型的收益型房地产产品&投资型住宅、酒店式公寓和投资型商铺;
Expected income housing prices in the housing rental income and property value, the interest rate level changes reflected in the construction costs and expected benefits of the discount cost of the changes. 房价的预期收入体现在房地产的租金收益和房产增值,利率水平的变化体现在建筑成本和预期收益的贴现成本的变化。
Through to release, trade, income and property analysis of the four links to learn about the tax system settings and application situation in various countries, and through the experience of foreign study on analysis of the Chinese experience. 通过对发行、交易、所得和财产四个环节的分析来了解各个国家的税制设置和应用情况,并通过对外国经验的分析研究获得适合我国的经验。
The increase in government revenue and rapid economic development also contributed to the growth of farmers 'of metastatic income and property income. 政府财政收入的增加和经济快速发展也促进了农民的转移性收入和财产性收入的增长。
From the tax point of view, it is a most direct control means to collect the tax of income and property. 从税收角度来说,对收入和财产课税是最直接的调控手段,遗产税自然是可供选择的政策工具之一。
In analyzing the wealth gap, the focus on the gap between rich and poor from the Gini coefficient and three dimensions ( income, property, consumption) are two aspects of the current status of the gap analysis. 在分析贫富差距时,着重从基尼系数和贫富差距的三个维度(收入、财产、消费)两个方面对当前贫富差距的现状进行了分析。
Shortcomings and inadequacies of the mathematical model is given by a system of endogenous variables of the constraints, and therefore can not very well that in the end the system which increase farmers income from property in the dynamic process played a crucial role. 缺点与不足是所建立的数学模型授予受到了制度内生变量的限制,因而不能很好地指出到底哪些制度在提高农民财产性收入的动态过程中起到了至关重要的作用。
The difference of metastasis income and property income is not very important, but increased rapidly. 转移性收入与财产性收入差值在两省农村居民人均纯收入差值中所占比重不是很大,但增速很快。
In this paper, introduction, first right of property income and property income and farmers are defined, and the definition of income for farmers and property exist in the current controversial issues were discussed. 本文在绪论中首先对财产性收入与农民财产性收入进行定义,并对农民财产性收入定义中目前存在的争议问题进行了探讨。
Subsequent from the analysis of the farmers 'income growth changes and features in China draws that farmers' wage income 、 transfer income and property income are on the rise, but family-run income remains as the main source of income in these years. 随后对我国农民收入增长的变化及特征进行分析得出,目前农民的工资性收入、转移性收入和财产性收入虽然都在增加,但是这些年家庭经营收入还是作为主要的收入来源。
Among the net income, the manufacture net income took up the absolute important place, and the wage income proportion was high, while the transfer income and property income proportion were low. 农民纯收入中,生产性纯收入占了绝对重要的地位,工资性收入比重较高,而转移性收入和财产性收入的比重较低。